Conspiracy Generator Donate


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This app is the same as Conspiracy Theory Generator. If you enjoyed the application and wish to donate please purchase this application.For the conspiracy theorist on the go, generate all your wacky conspiracy theories from the palm of your hand and share it with all your friends.
Are you sick of all your conspiracy theorist friends always sharing the newest conspiracies before you have a chance? Do you want to impress them with the latest and hottest conspiracy news?
Well now you can beat them to the punch with Conspiracy Theorist Generator for all your wacky where the f did they come up with that conspiracy. Now show all your friends how you control where and when conspiracy theories are made.
It slices, it dices, it blends, we'll it doesn't do any of that but with this app you can find out what the government or the lizard men are up to!
*** Disclaimer ***
This app is solely for satire use and should not be taken seriously. Then again if you really believed any of this stuff you would ignore/not read this disclaimer anyways.
Please be advised that this is app is intended for fun and nothing it generates is actually real.